The history of the administrative division of the city of Jabrayil – Qarabag
The history of the administrative division of the city of Jabrayil

On October 4, 2020, the city of Jabrayil was liberated by the Azerbaijani army from the Armenian occupation which lasted 27 years. This city was first liberated by Azerbaijan during the Second Karabakh War started on September 27, 2020. has prepared the material on the history of the administrative division of the city of Jabrayil from the time of the Karabakh khanate to the present.

The administrative center of the Jabrayil district is the city of Jabrayil (formerly the gardens of Jabrayilli, the nomad camp of Jabrayil, the village of Jabrayillu, the village and the tract of Jabrayil) is located in the southwestern part of Azerbaijan on the left bank of Aras river.
[Mirza Jamal Javanshir Karabaghi. The History of Karabagh. 1959, p. 93]
[Description of the Karabakh province compiled in 1823 by the order of Ermolov, the Chief Governor of Georgia, the actual State Councilor of Mogilev and Colonel Ermolov 2nd.  Tiflis, 1866, p. 273]
[The Caucasian calendar for 1856. Tiflis, 1855.  Section three., p. 412]
[The Caucasian calendar for 1889. Tiflis, 1888.  Section three., p. 166]
[The Caucasian calendar for 1917. Tiflis, 1916., p. 139]
[List of the populated places of Azerbaijan.  Publication of Namcomprod based on the agricultural censuses of 1917 and 1921.  Baku, 1922, p. 25]

Jabrayil was mentioned in “The History of Karabakh”, the book of the Azerbaijani historian Mirza Jamal Karabaghi (1773-1853), as “Jabrayilli gardens” (Jabrayil gardens).
[Mirza Jamal Javanshir Karabaghi.  The History of Karabagh. 1959, p. 93]

In 1823,  Jabrayil was indicated as the nomadic camp of Jabrayil.  In 1836, it was mentioned as the Tatar (Turkic) tribe of Jibrayili.
[Description of the Karabakh province compiled in 1823 by the order of Ermolov, the Chief Governor of Georgia, the actual State Councilor of Mogilev and Colonel Ermolov 2nd.  Tiflis, 1866, p. 273]
[Review of Russian possessions in the Caucasus in statistical, ethnographic, topographic and financial terms. Part III, St. Petersburg, 1836., p. 275]
[Abbas Quli Agha Bakikhanov.  Gulistan-i Iram. 1991, p. 95]

In 1813, according to the Treaty of Gulistan, the Karabakh khanate (including Jabrayil) became part of the Russian Empire. 

In 1835, the Karabakh province and Jabrayil were included in the Muslim provinces of the Transcaucasus region of the Russian Empire.
[E. Veidenbaum. The Guide to the Caucasus.  Tiflis, 1888., p. 146]
[O. Evetskiy.  Statistical description of the Transcaucasian region.  St. Petersburg, 1835., p. 24]

In 1836, Jabrayil was a part of the eponymous minbashi of the Karabakh province. 
[The Survey of the Russian possessions in the Caucasus.  Part 3.  St. Petersburg, 1836., pp. 255-262]

In 1840, the Karabakh province (including Jabrayil) was included in the newly formed Caspian region. The Karabakh province was renamed into the Karabakh Uyezd.
[The Caucasian calendar for 1871. Tiflis, 1870.  Section 2. Historical overview of the Baku province., pp. 44-45]

In 1846, the Karabakh Uyezd, which included Jabrayil, was renamed into the Shusha district.
[The Caucasian calendar for 1868. Tiflis, 1868.  Section 3. The Historical overview of the civil institutions of the Caucasus and the Transcaucasian region., p. 398]

In 1852-1855, the village of Jabrayil was the part of the Varandinsky territory of the Shusha Uyezd.
[The Caucasian calendar for 1852. Tiflis, 1851.  Section 3., p. 415]
[The Caucasian calendar for 1856. Tiflis, 1855. Section 3., P. 412]

In 1868, the Shusha Uyezd and Jabrayil were included in the Elisabethpol province.

In 1873, the Jabrayil Uyezd with the center in the village of Jabrayil was separated from the Shusha Uyezd.
[A.  Sh. Milman. The political system of Azerbaijan in the XIX – early XX centuries (administrative apparatus and court, forms and methods of colonial administration). 1966., p. 157]
[The Caucasian Calendar for 1889. Tiflis, 1888., p. 166]

In 1905, the administrative center of the Jabrayil Uyezd was moved from the village of Jabrayil to the village of Karabulag (now the city of Fizuli), the village of Karabulag was renamed into Karyagino, and the Jabrayil Uyezd was renamed into the Karyaginsky district. Consequently, Jabrayil lost the status of the administrative center of the county.
[The Caucasian calendar for 1906. Tiflis, 1906.  Section 1, p. 238]
[The Caucasian calendar for 1907. Tiflis, 1906., p.236]

During the years of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (1918-1920), the village was the part of the Jabrayil Uyezd of the Ganja province. 
[Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (1918-1920) Legislative acts (documents and materials) of 1998, // Law on the establishment of the post of inspector of the publiс schools in the Shusha, the Zangezur, the Javanshir and the Jabrayil Uyezds. No 111., p. 157]

In 1919-1920, the village of Jabrayil was included in the Karabakh Governorate-General.
[Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (1918-1920). Legislative acts (Collection of documents) 1998, // p. 389]

In 1923, Jabrayil again became the administrative center of the Jabrayil Uyezd.
[Administrative division of U.S.S.R according to data relevant to May 15, 1923. 1923, p. 21, 28]

In 1926, Jabrayil again lost the status of the administrative center of the Uyezd.
[The territorial and administrative division of the USSR as of January 1, 1926, 1926, p.190]

After the abolition of the Jabrayil Uyezd in 1929, August 8, 1930 the Jabrayil district was founded with the center in the village of Jabrayil.
[Azerbaijan Soviet Encyclopedia.  volume X. 1987, p. 406]
[Azerbaijan SSR: administrative division: on January 1, 1977. 1979, p. 6]

In 1950,  Jabrayil was given the status of urban-type settlement.
[USSR: Administrative division of the Union Republics, 1 January 1980. 1980, p. 446]

On January 4, 1963, the Jabrayil district was liquidated and Jabrayil became part of the Fuzuli district.
[The Azerbaijani SSR: Administrative-territorial division, January 1, 1977; 1979, p. 6]
[The Azerbaijani SSR: Administrative-territorial division; 1964; p. 13]

On June 17, 1964, Jabrayil once again became the center of the restored Jabrayil district.
[USSR: administrative-territorial division of the Union Republics related to January 1965, p. 695]

In 1980, Jabrayil was given the status of the city.
[USSR: Administrative division of the Union Republics, 1 January of 1983. 1983, p. 458]

Following the independence of Azerbaijan, in 1991, the Jabrayil district retained its administrative and territorial status with its centre in the city of Jabrayil.

In August 1993, the Jabrayil district was completely occupied by the Armenian armed formations.
[Rossiyskaya Gazeta, August 21, 1993, p. 6 №206]
[Moskovskie Novosti, September 19, 1993, issue №38 (684), p. 4]
